ihaletakip.com.tr.tr is a platform that you can follow public procurements, tenders (government bids), view tender details and download documents

The service model for ihaletakip.com.tr.tr is SaaS (Service As A Service). By this model, you do not need to any additional software on your computer. You just have to subsribe and get a username and password. The rest is easy. Just log in and get all the services by any device connected to internet as your laptop or mobile phone. 


As ihaletakip.com.tr.tr is designed as user friendly, any level of internet user can easily use and get services. As service is SaaS you do not only install any software on your computer and also do not update it. All updates are ready for you instantly.

As the contents are published Turkish all tender details are view in Turkish although the user interface (all the menu details, buttons or instructiıns) are in English. 


By the specialised software developed for public procurement advertises, you can see all the public bids/ procurements without no exception for Turkish public agencies and download the tender documents.


Also you can get every day, tender alerts as your selections, priorities via email. By tender alerts, you can get the list of tenders you interested in besides the hundreds of tenders everyday published.  

In addition, if you add a tender advertise to your follow list, when an amendment, cancellation or contract award notices are published related to that tender, you are informed by email and/or SMS to your mobile phone. 


An other service by ihaletakip.com.tr.tr, you can follow the contract awards easily and get the information about awarded company. 



You can see and the membership packages and select the most suitable one for you.